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Discrete Mathematics

The design of this course is to provide the foundation of mathematics used in the fields of computer science and digital information processing. The course will cover sets, algorithms, mathematical induction and proof methods, graphs, trees, Boolean algebra as well as logic, functions and relations.

Exploration of Future DesignⅠ

In this course, Strong Vocational Interest Test will be carried out by students online, thereby recognizing their tendency of professional interests through interpretation workshops. Furthermore, students will understand themselves and establish their own sense of values through continuous counseling and guidance.

Creative Engineering Design

This course makes students enlarge abilities of creative thinking and problem-solving along with team activities by participating in different problem-solving processes.

Introduction to Computer Systems

This course covers the basic knowledge of computer, defining software, hardware and firmware’s function. Moreover, students will learn how to handle the computer to resolve the problems and how to figure out relations between computers and programs.

Lab of Fundamental Software Tools

This course of Lab is designed to provide a study and a practice of software tools that provides a convenient and efficient using environment in the resources of computer systems.

Exploration of Future DesignⅡ

This course greatly supports students to re-establish the value of individuals, including a desirable view of occupation and success, etc. Students will establish their own career path and the development plan of job competency by witting a report, having a presentation and understanding a variety of occupations after exploring the job fields(vision of occupations where they are interested in, a level of development of technology, marketability, ect.) related to their major.

Logic Circuit and Lab

This course supports students how to design the combinational logic and sequential logic circuit by various means based on Boolean. The course will cover the understanding of function circuits such as adder, comparator and counter as well as will cover the interpretive mode and configuration of the complex circuits

Data Structures

This course covers all the basic concepts of data processed in computer and data structures such as the Array, Stack, Queue and Linked List for the efficient process. Furthermore, Tree Manipulation, Graph Theory, Data Sorting and Searching, the way of writing Symbol Table will be learned within this curriculum.

Preparations of Future DesignⅠ

In this course, students will cultivate strong leadership and graph the latest trends of industries through lectures of CEO from corporations related to Industry-College Cooperation aw well as other CEO lectures. Furthermore, it will be the cornerstone of their career path for the future with a career counseling based the lectures.

Fundamental Project Practice

The design of this course is to encourage student to be proactive in the understanding of technology that will be emerged in the future by analyzing and looking into the overall trends of technology in relevant fields and anticipating development trends.

Object-Oriented Programming

In this course, students will cultivate the ability to utilize the actual application programming and develop the object-oriented program through a theoretical study and practice of object-oriented concepts and programming techniques.

Linear Algebra

This course provides the basic knowledge of computational and applied mathematics with the understanding of matrices and simultaneous equations, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigen value, etc.


This course supports student to acquire the background knowledge of the computational theory which is the basis of computer science, dealing with the relationship between the various language and syntax. Also, it covers the finite automata, pushdown automata and Turing machines, all of which recognize those languages.

Computer Architecture

This course introduces the design methods such as Assembler, loader through the understanding of representation of the information, logic circuits, memories, control units, configuration of I/O devices, parallel computer and pipeline.

Programming Language

This course covers the basic concepts that are applied to computer programming languages and summarizes the features of the latest programming languages. This will support students to cultivate the ability to design programming language and the ability to select which languages of program to use with the help of the concepts and features.

Preparations of Future DesignⅡ

In this course, students will explore a variety of the latest technology and a type of applied markets by having diverse experiences of specialty technologies through CEO Lectures of corporations, actual major–related industries and various exhibition/fair visits. Through such experiences, it is determined whether students’ personal aptitudes, interests and major are suited to or not.

Development Project Practice

This course supports students to develop a software which can be applied to real life by using a programming language such as C and C++, and they will understand the importance for the systematic development of program codes and the role of program during the developmental processes.

System Programming

This course introduces the designing methods such as Assembler, loader through the understanding of Assembly Language and the understanding of the structure of software and hardware which are required to efficiently use the computer system.

Probability and Statistics

Basically, this course covers the cultivation of student’s application ability in the fields of electronic calculator system through the introduction of statistical concepts and statistical thinking methods.

HCI Programming

The purpose of designing this course is to provide the techniques for effectively reflecting the interaction between human being and computers and to cultivate an ability to implement such techniques through a GUI(Graphic User Interface).

Operating System

This course covers the operating systems, especially the basic concepts of multiple programming time-sharing system and an asynchronous parallel processors. Furthermore, it provides the unique concepts and protections of the memory management information and scheduling.

Object-Oriented Design

The course is designed to provide the understanding and techniques of the basic concepts for the analysis and design of software by the object-oriented software development methods, proceeding the problem analysis and design processes through projects.

Implementation of Future DesignⅠ

In this course, students have an opportunity to build the abilities required in employment by analyzing which abilities are necessary for and which abilities are lacked and undergo a career aptitude test using in major corporations beforehand. Furthermore, after providing the information as to occupational clusters through a 1:1 career coaching, students will make detailed plans for careers by filling out the planning form with the plans for preparation of the personalized career development as taking individual factors into account. Also, speciality consultants will provide students with a 1:1 consultation to make them prepare the employment efficiently.

Project Application Practice

This course covers the understanding of that the development of software is not only just a simple coding work, but also through analysis and design process, providing which works should be implemented in the stage of software development.

Web-based Software Development

The design of this course is to provide the technology and methodology necessary to develop a web-based software and the universal design concepts. Moreover, students will learn the development techniques of web-based software through real projects.

Firmware Programming

This covers the understanding of the hardware components of the embedded system, and a start-up coding design for controlling the hardware by using the training equipment of embedded system, an interrupt and timer control programming, and the firmware programming techniques for I/O devices control.

Data Communication

Basically, this course provides the concepts of general data communications such as coding techniques, error control and link control protocol, transmission techniques and the types and characteristics of the transmission media, a basis of the computer network.


This course covers the processes and functions of algorithm which are applied to the typical application fields and algorithm generally well-known. Also, students will learn the techniques of effectively designing algorithm after analyzing the degree of abstruseness in algorithm

Software Engineering

In this course, student will learn about the engineering activities required to improve the quality in the software development processes and the understanding of all the basic concepts of software engineering, and a project for developing software will be given in this course.

Implementation of Future DesignⅡ

This course provides students with a successful preparation for employment and cultivates them as well-rounded talents that corporations would prefer through the lectures of interview types strategies, the corporate hiring trends, the workshops with recruiters from enterprises by inviting employment training specialists or HR managers of enterprises.

Interlink Project Practice, Comprehensive Design

In this course, students will understand projects carried out by industries through the connection between current students and mentors of industries (family company) or senior alumni(mentors) who have been working in the industries, and they will understand the practices of the fields by resolving the problems triggered by implementation of the projects in the industries and designing plans for its solution with their mentors.


This course covers a series of compile process, including lexical analysis, parsing and code generation, focusing the latest compiler. Especially, students learn how to implement the diverse features that computer programming languages have in compile phase.

Computer Networks

This course is designed to provide the internet-focused learning with the basic concepts and structures of the network, the technology and the principles related to TCP/IP protocol architecture, networks, transmission and application layer protocols.

Database System

Basically, this course covers the basic concepts of databases and Entity-Relation(E-R) diagrams, Relation Data Model and SQL statements use, database design, database security as well as the structure of DBMS and its functions. Also, students will learn the system development and data linkage methods to Web in the real application.

Computer Graphics

This covers the theory and practice of the basic themes such as rendering to configure the fields of the computer graphics, animation and geometric modeling. Furthermore, students will learn the graphics programming techniques by using the typical real-time three-dimensional graphics programming tools.

Internship Ⅰ, Internship IV

This course provides the establishment of a close industry-college cooperation between universities and the local industries through the combination between industrial technology and skills acquired in the school systems.

Practical Software ProjectⅠ, Practical Software ProjectⅡ

This course will provide learner-centered learning in the perspective of practical, practice-centered tasks performance based on the experience of performing design projects. For this learning, students will carry out their tasks in the perspective of the cultivation of projects management skills, the design methodology of various projects requirement analysis in the real fields and the ability to use the latest IT technology on the basis of characteristic analysis of applied fields.

Capstone DesignⅠ

In this course, students will have an experience of team-based projects based on the theory of computer science as systematically following the processes from the planning the way to proceed projects and selecting topics in a team until the end results are produced.

Embedded Systems

This course covers the implementation of lab project to construct Linux porting, Linux boot loader, and device drivers.

Image Processing

This course accentuates the techniques as to the application of related fields with a basic knowledge of digital image processing. Futhermore, students will broaden and deepen their understanding of advanced technologies by looking at the recent image processing theory and research results.

Artificial Intelligence

This course provides the targets and the successful applied fields of Artificial Intelligence, the typical, intelligent problem solving techniques, knowledge representation and reasoning, and reasoning methods based on uncertain information, etc.

Educational-Industrial Special SeminarⅠ

This course supports student to acquire the philosophy and management methods of the latest IT technologies and industry trends through the exchange of industries and universities.

Computer Instructional Resources and Methods

In this course, students will conduct a study materials that they are able to learn the basics of programming practice, cultivating the abilities required for academic lesson and acquiring the knowledge as to computers and its applications.

Database Design

In this course, students will learn about conceptual modeling, logical data modeling, the database design through physical data modeling process and the techniques database schema mapping to table, studying database administrator (DBA) role, database loading, backup and recovery, transaction concurrency control and recovery functions, file handling for DBMS development, index structures, query processing, optimization algorithms, ect.

InternshipⅡ, InternshipⅢ

From this internship, students cultivate the ability to adapt the fields through the combination between industrial technology and skills acquired in the school systems, thereby establishing a close industry-university cooperation between universities and the local industries

Capstone DesignⅡ

This course supports students to acquire an hands-on experience by carrying out the whole course of study such as the preparation of research plans, experimentation, the preparation for reports and its presentation after selecting a random subject of research in the field of computer engineering based on diverse knowledge acquired from undergraduate programs.

Graph Theory

In this course, students firstly learn graph representation which is the basic concept of the graph and the route used by the concept and connectivity problems. Furthermore, it covers trees which are a type of graphs, generation trees and minimum cost generation trees. Also, after learning the matching of graph, Hamiltonian cycle, and Travelling Salesman Problem, the flow problem by using theory of Max-Flow and Min-Cut will be covered.

Information Security

This course is designed to support students to learn basic theory of information protection and to understand the basic concepts of information security and network security. Also, it covers the ways of how to provide safe network services and safe information systems construction.

Information Retrieval

This course is designed to cover a theory and method of mining techniques, systematic storage, management and searching of a large amount of information, including the information representation and storage system, document queries and matching processes, a text analysis, information retrieval and the measurement of searching effectiveness, the effectiveness improvement techniques, etc.

Educational-Industrial Special SeminarⅡ

In this course, students will acquire the trends of the latest IT technology and management philosophy as well as management methods through the exchanges between industries and universities.

Logic and Essay Writing in Computer Education

This course supports students to express their new creative ideas with the help of computer courses, cultivating the ability to systematically develop the validity and legitimacy of their ideas. In addition, it provides the demand-side education in the fields of secondary education in the way of exploring data related to computer logics, result organizing, presentations, and discussions. Ultimately, students will acquire logical thinking ability required in a knowledge society based on the creative thinking skills to solve their problem themselves which is the basic quality as a teacher in computer courses.

Computer Subject Teaching

Basically, this course covers the educations on computers and the theory and practice of computer-aided educations. Furthermore, students will learn the whole areas of information and computer education of the secondary curriculum such as the historical background of the computer curriculum, objective of the curriculum education, and analysis of curriculums in secondary schools.